About Me

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Hey Everyone, My name is Rohan Modi, I am currently studying in VIT BHOPAL. I like to explore new and innovative things and then try to import those learnings in my work such that it can be easily used by the whole community. I love to build Web apps by using latest technologies and mobile apps using flutter.

I believe that visual communication have the opportunity of conveying the abstract in a way that is not possible through other means of communication. The genre does not matter as long as I can create something that others find meaningful.


Work Process


Research and Plan

I love building websites and apps, but before that I always use 'Mind-Mapping' method to do research and '6-3-5 Brain Writing' method to generate ideas and plan accordingly.


Design and Develop

For prototyping any idea regarding website or app, at initial stage I prefer to design it at Canva. If design looks cool then I code the whole concept usually on VS Code.



After completion of task I always make my whole project open source by hosting website on any domain and publishing app on Play Store so that everyone may use it and give their honest feedback.

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